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The most famous companies in the world

The first company to have a trillion dollars

                           The first company to have a trillion dollars

The first company to have a trillion dollars

                                                Apple company :

An American company The company was established in Cupertino, California on April 1, 1976 by (Steve Jobs), (Steve Wozniak) and (Ronald Wayne) to sell personal computers called (Apple-1), where these computers were made by Wozniak was first shown to the public at the Humbro Computer Club and was sold as a motherboard, CPU, Ram and video chips and was named at the beginning of its creation called Apple Computer Ltd.

 The first and after that one word was deleted from the company name which is the word (computer), and that happened in general 2007, due to the company's continued expansion in the consumer electronics market as well as its traditional focus on personal computers .

The company has (35,000) employees worldwide, the company's annual sales worldwide were (32.48) billion dollars in 2008 .

 After that, the financial value of the company reached (one trillion) dollars in 2018, to be the first American company with this very large value and because of its good industry in the consumer electronics industry, Apple acquired a unique reputation for many reasons, including its philosophy in the comprehensive design of its distinct advertising campaigns and its possession of a base Dedicated customers and company brand, especially in the country in which it originated 
(United States) .

Apple started selling computers in 1976, and the price of a single computer was 666.66 dollars, or about 2.5 thousand dollars in modern 
value .

Millionaire (Mike Markula) provided the required commercial expertise and financing to Apple Company ($ 250,000) by listing the company .

In 1977 an Apple-2 computer was displayed at the West Coast Computers Festival

As it was different from the two competing devices (TRS - 80) and (Commodore PET) because (Apple 2) had colorful graphics and open    design

Company industries :

It designs and manufactures electronics as well as computer products. These products include (Macintosh), music device (iPod), and mobile 
device (iPhone) .

The operating system (MAC OS X), the media browser (iTunes)             , the (I Life) suite of multimedia software, creative software, the iWork suite of production programs, the design program (Final cut studio), the mobile device (iPad), and a set of software products for making movies and audio materials. Logic Studio Group for audio tools,          

in addition to that it operates more than (250) retail stores in nine 
countries and also an online store selling hardware and software products .

Because of her admiration for the United States of America, APPLE created the Fortune Magazine in 2008 and worldwide in 2009 .

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